About Me

Hey Guys!

For people who know me, I am a very fun loving and enthusiast. I love talking. So much so that they literally have to ask me to shut up at times. Hence, I came up with my blog. I have loads of stories to share, bring up debates and philosophies to ponder upon.

I am professionally, a software developer. I love coding too, although I prefer writing more where there is no strict algorithm I am supposed to follow or a bunch of logical instructions I need to chalk out. Most importantly, after I compile my write up, I get no errors!

I am interested in cooking as well. I keep inventing new dishes, mixing ingredients till they taste apt! Thankfully my family is patient enough to bear it at times.

My hobbies include sketching. I have tried out a few landscapes and portraits, which I often mess around with. I also love singing, though I am more off a bathroom singer! My love for music finally took shape when I joined Violin classes in January 2013, I hope to learn a lot.

I am nowhere close to a fitness freak. A very lazy bum, I love munching.

Movies. I agree I can spend hours watching movies and sitcoms but.. I am not a particular fan of a particular movie. In fact, I just cannot go on and on about a particular movie!

I have the awesomest friend circle on earth, a few of whom inspired me to take up the blog seriously. I firmly believe my company has made me grow to a level I could not have managed alone. Loads of thanks to them.

I would appreciate your views and feedback. I think it will be difficult to prosper without them. You can leave a comment on any post or even email me. I will be glad to hear you out.

Hope you enjoy reading!

- Ritika Nevatia 

1 comment:

  1. i think you got the all required qualities that a good friend should have, i also like blogging, and i am also doing some sketch art, so we got some common topics to talk and share some knowledge each other, very nice, stay connected take care


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